Produced by the highly acclaimed Studio Ghibli, Spirited Away is a 2001 animated film that has won several international awards. This includes being the first anime to win an Academy award. The film was written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, the co-founder of Studio Ghibli. Miyazaki made Spirited Away for his friend’s ten year old daughter who was also used as a model for the main character Chihiro. Along with Spirited Away, Studio Ghibli has had many other popular animated films, including Howl’s Moving Castle, Grave of the Fireflies, and My Neighbor Totoro. If you want to watch it on Netflix in the USA then you will want to connect to a VPN server in Canada where the movie is available.
Quickstart Guide for using a VPN to Watch Spirited Away
Interestingly, Netflix offers Spirited Away in 36 countries but not to their US members. You can still watch it by following these steps.
- Sign up for ExpressVPN (includes a 30-day money-back guarantee).
- Download the app to your desktop, tablet or mobile device.
- Once you launch the app, we suggest connecting to a VPN server in Canada. ExpressVPN has servers in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.
- From here, open the Netflix app or go to the Netflix website.
- Enjoy Spirited Away and everything else that Canadian Netflix has to offer. You can explore more regions as well by connecting to ExpressVPN server in other countries.
Why Do You Need a VPN to Watch Spirited Away
Why is Spirited Away not available in my country? Why does it not show up on the library of streaming services in my country? Many companies have implemented geo-restrictions over the years. One reason for this is licensing rights. They may only be able to have the content available in certain regions of the world. Meanwhile, audiences have very different tastes and streaming services will curate content for each library. This may mean that your favorite show could be available to someone that lives in a different country.
ExpressVPN will help you get around this issue. It will change your IP address to another in a location of your choosing. This will also mask your current IP and help you appear in a different country. This will unblock the streaming service or the regional library and help you watch any show that you want. It will also help you gain access to other channels that may not be available in your region. Watch your favorite shows unrestricted with a VPN.
What happens when your parents turn into pigs?
In Spirited Away, ten year old Chihiro and her parents are moving to a new home when they make a wrong turn and stumble across an abandoned amusement park. Her parents decide to eat the food laying in the restaurant, making them turn into pigs. Chihiro, who chose not to eat the food, has to defend herself in an unfamiliar world. After meeting a boy named Haru, Chihiro goes on an adventure, learning about gods and spirits as she tries to save her parents and return to their world. To do that she would need to team up with Haru to escape the evil witch Yubaba.
How ExpressVPN Can Help You Stream Spirited Away
ExpressVPN is great for unblocking content. Many social media websites, video games, and streaming services are geo-restricted internationally. Schools and workplaces put up firewalls that prevent users from gaining access to them. A VPN can help this situation. It will allow you to change your IP address to another one in a region of your choosing. ExpressVPN will also encrypt your data to help you stay safe, while online. It provides unlimited bandwidth. You can use the service from home, school, or work on up to five devices at a time. Unblock content around the world with ExpressVPN.
ExpressVPN is a reputable service. Your data will be safe while using it as the company uses strong encryption. Along with this, ExpressVPN does not keep logs of its users’ activities. The service will also help protect you from outside threats. Professional gamers will be provided extra protection from DDoS attacks. We are excited to share with you our exclusive deal. When you subscribe to a year of the service, you get an extra 3 months free. ExpressVPN provides you a 30-day money-back guarantee that allows you to see the benefits of a VPN risk-free.