Hustle is a 2022 sports drama film directed by Jeremiah Zagar with nine producers. Adam Sandler plays the title role of Stan Sugerman, an aging international scout for the Philadelphia 76ers. As a scout, his frequent travel affects his relationship with his wife (played by Queen Latifah). The movie premiered in a select number of theaters on June 3rd, 2022, and went to Netflix on June 8th, 2022. However, the film is only available in the Netflix US market. If you want to watch this sports drama outside the US, you can still do it if you connect to a VPN.
Quickstart Guide for Watching Hustle Outside the US
Follow these directions if you want to start watching Hustle on Netflix outside the US.
- Sign up for ExpressVPN (includes a 30-day money-back guarantee).
- Now, download and install the app on your favorite device.
- Launch the Express VPN app and connect to a server in the United States.
- Open a browser and go to the Netflix website or app.
- Now, just search for Hustle to start watching this or other shows and movies available.
Do I Need a VPN to Watch the film?
Yes. As we mentioned, this Adam Sandler movie is a sports drama film is exclusive to the US version of Netflix. It has quite a few well-known people in it, both on-screen and behind the scenes. If you like sports movies, though, and are outside the US, you’ll have to miss out on this movie unless you connect to a VPN. That is because of licensing rights. While Netflix has exclusive rights to it, it is not everywhere. While most people know Adam Sandler for being funny, this movie is not that way. If you want to watch it outside the US, you need to connect to a VPN.
That said, ExpressVPN will help you solve that problem. That’s because it will change your IP address to the US. Additionally, it will mask your current IP to help you show up in the US. Of course, that will help you access it outside the US. It will also help you gain access to other channels that may not be available in your region. That way, you can watch Hustle, or anything else on the network, unrestricted with a VPN.
This movie has well-known names
As we have talked about several times, this movie has some well-known names. As an international scout, Stanley Sugerman gets promoted to assistant coach so he can stay at home with his family. The owner of the 76ers, Rex Merrick, likes Sugerman, but Sugerman has philosophy clashes with his son, Vincent. Three months later, Sugerman gets returned to his scouting job to find the next big star. There is more to this story, but we won’t spoil it for you.
Here is a list of the cast and the characters we know of so far.
- Adam Sandler – Stanley Sugerman
- Queen Latifah – Teresa Sugerman
- Ben Foster – Vince Merrick
- Robert Duvall – Rex Merrick
- Heidi Gardner – Kat Merrick
- Fat Joe – Himself
- Kenny Rich – Leon Rich
Plus, bit parts from some NBA players. Let’s take a look at the official trailer.